V-Tightening Gel
Women sexual wellness is a topic less discussed in our society and it is an issue that is widely ignored. Many women above the age of 40 feel discomfort or pain while having intercourse.
They feel that the Vaginal lubrication has reduced due to reduction in secretion of vaginal fluids which in turn cause pain and dryness and causes a poor female sexual health.
However, they are shy to discuss this with anyone in family or friends.
Though there could be many reasons for this condition yet the most common reason is loss of elasticity or loosing vaginal tightening due to giving multiple births or ageing. Menopause can also be one of the reasons for the same. This in medical term is called Vaginal atrophy
Causes of Vaginal Dryness or Atrophy:
Vaginal atrophy is when the walls of the vagina get thin, dry, and inflamed. This can happen when the body makes less estrogen, due to ageing or during and after menopause. At menopause, a woman’s estrogen levels can fall by about 85%.
Just to understand when your body has less estrogen, your genital tissues become more fragile. Menopause is the most common reason for vaginal atrophy, but estrogen levels can also go down because of:
- Breastfeeding
- Anti-estrogen medications
- Some birth control pills
- Surgery to remove both ovaries
- Chemotherapy
- Pelvic radiation therapy
- Hormone treatment
Dryness and itching or pain during intercourse is usually the first sign of Vaginal Atrophy. Many people have them after menopause. But some may have them in the years before that, a time called perimenopause. Up to 40% of people after menopause have symptoms.

Other symptoms would be like:
- Vaginal dryness or burning
- Discomfort or bleeding during or after sex
- Less natural lubrication when you have sex
- Itching in the genitals
- Unusual vaginal discharge
- More yeast infections
- Burning while peeing
- A need to pee often
- A hard time holding pee in (incontinence)
- More urinary tract infections (UTIs)
As women are becoming more educated and independent they have started taking their sexual wellness seriously and started working towards vaginal restoration or care. They understand that a healthy vagina is very important and thus proper care is needed to regain the youth.
Vaginal Care or restoration
One way to ease these problems is to have sex. Those who have regular sexual activity, by themselves or with a partner, tend to have milder cases of vaginal atrophy than those who don’t. Sexual activity raises blood flow to the vagina and helps it stay elastic.
If you have similar dryness and discomfort, especially when you have sex, vaginal tightening gels or V-tightening creams and lubricants may be of great help. These are easily available and much needed information is easily accessible as well.
It will be of utmost importance to ensure that the ingredients used in these products are natural and safe and free of any harmful chemicals, colours or fragrances.
Some effective natural ingredients from tightening and lubrication are Acacia Catechu wood extract, Pomegranate Extract, Butea Frondosa Flower extract all these help in V.tightening as well as lubricating the vaginal walls of females and help them feel younger and more active in their personal lives.You can use these tightening gels & creams every few days and just before intercourse as well.
One of the leading brands in the area of Female intimate care is Vigini that claims of using 100% Natural Actives and premium ingredients. Vigini V.Tightening Gel not only helps tighten Vagina but also aids in lubrication. It hydrates the vagina and also helps remove hyper-pigmentation in private parts.
If you struggle with similar issues of dryness and loss of elasticity, you may be looking forward to Vigini V. tightening Gel which is available on all leading e-commerce portals and comes in discreet packaging so that your secret remains Tight. 😊